In town, wealthy Victorian women spent their time supervising the servants, supporting their husbands’ business activities and doing charitable works for churches, hospitals and cultural institutions. They were expected to attend many society events and display their social status at all times. Although arriving in the country meant a change of pace, not all constraints were loosened. Every sea-bathing resort had its routines and implicit rules. Here, it might be customary for women to change their outfits (dress, hairdo, jewellery, etc.) four times a day, while there, it could be five or six times a day!
Time off did exist where all could indulge in their favourite activities. For both men and women, young and old, the day was divided into two periods devoted to leisure: the morning, and the afternoon between lunch and four-o’clock tea. After this, adults would rest, then get ready for dinner (usually around 7 p.m.) or frequent evenings out. What were these leisure activities? They varied from one period to another, but they also depended on the individual’s age, gender, tastes and social status. Even the weather had its word in the choice. Listing all the pastimes would be too long: Take a look at the gallery to find out more!